Aktuella aktiviteter
Seminarium | Gothenburg
Nätverksträff | Helsingborg
Nätverksträff | Jönköping
Seminarium | Lund
Nätverksträff | Lund
Nätverksträff | Göteborg
Nätverksträff |
Seminarium | Göteborg och digitalt
Konferens | Göteborg
Nätverksträff | Helsingborg
Del 2 Teamet
Vi förväntas leverera i en allt mer pressad miljö med inslag av omvärldens utmaningar och då blir ditt ledarskap en avgörande faktor. Vissa projekt tycks leverera hur mycket kaos som än kastas i dess väg, andra levererar inte alls. Hur kan det vara?
Föredragaren: Ulrika Linné M.Sc.Ulrika har jobbat i projekt inom R&D, kvalitet och transformation i över 15 år. Hon har specialiserat sig på problemlösning vilket har varit en röd tråd genom alla hennes projekt. Med sin kunskap inom teknik och projektledning har hon byggt upp en erfarenhetsbank som hon delar med sig av med både humor och allvar. Ulrika är civilingenjör i maskinteknik och driver idag eget bolag som projektcoach.
Välkommen till PMI Samhällsbyggnadsdag 2023!
En konferens av PMI Sweden Chapter i samverkan med Sweco i Swecohuset, Stockholm, den 13 november 2023. Tema är "Hållbarhet i samhällsnyttiga projekt"
Se information och program på https://samhallsbyggnad.pmi-se.org/
Anmäl dig via formuläret under "Boka".
Call for Speakers - Passion for Projects 2024The organizing committee is glad towelcome you to participate in our Passion for projects- a PMI Sweden Chapter congress. The event will be held on 11th-12th March in Clarion Hotel Sea U in Helsingborg, Sweden Call for Papers for the 13th Annual PMI Sweden Passion For Projects 2024 Congress is now open. The committee welcomes all participants from around the world to submit their work in order to actively participate in the congress. Don´t miss the opportunity to share your research, knowledge and experiences with over 500 professionals and colleagues as well as educators, sponsors and consultants. Passion for project is the biggest gathering in Scandinavia organized by the Project Management Institute (PMI) for project, program and portfolio managers, leaders and all the people who are passionate and interested about projects. The congress has a worldwide reach and brings in international and national renowned speakers. This year's conference team is Orchestrating projects in a transforming world and the theme of the congress will be Empowered Change with Innovative Success through Project Management. We are looking for innovative and interesting material and we wish to receive abstract that cover one of the following topics:
Creating the bigger impact with innovative project management over ordinary project management The challenges of Project managers by the rapid technology development Understanding of Innovation and Risk-Averse in Innovative Project Management Innovative ideas for products or services
The abstract (in English), composed of 100 words maximum, should be sent no later than 15th October and all the applicants will be notified no later than 30th of October. Selected speakers will be given 30 minutes to give their inspirational talk. For more information reach out to: Dilara Çetin Speaker & Program, Passion for Projects 2024 PMI Sweden Chapter dilara.cetin@pmi-se.org