PMI-SE Newsletter 2021-12-23

Aktuella aktiviteter



Seminarium | Gothenburg

Empowering Business Strategies and Workforce Readiness with AI in Industry



Nätverksträff | Helsingborg

An Agile Mindset



Nätverksträff | Jönköping

Projektledning i offentlig respektive privat sektor - myter, sanningar och lärdomar



Seminarium | Lund

Design Thinking workshop



Nätverksträff | Lund

AW with fellow PMs



Nätverksträff | Göteborg

Årsmöte 2025 PMI Sweden Chapter



Nätverksträff |

Årsmöte 2025 PMI Sweden Chapter (online)



Seminarium | Göteborg och digitalt

PMO nätverk: Gapet mellan en organisations strategi och verklighet, och PMO:s roll i organiseringen för att stänga det



Konferens | Göteborg

Passion for Projects Congress 2025



Nätverksträff | Helsingborg

Project simulation using Cayenne

The ticket booking for the 2022 Passion for Projects Congress has finally opened!

Welcome to Scandinavia's largest meeting place within PPPM (Project, Program and Portfolio Management). For the 11th year, the team behind Passion for Projects Congress invites you to a unique opportunity for networking and to take part in the latest in projects and leadership. Take part in other people's experiences and spread your own in a unique event that goes across industry boundaries. A number of partners in the profession are on site to share their experiences, such as Astra Zeneca Pharmaceuticals, Canea and Mölnlycke Health Care, and many more. Several highly interesting keynote speakers are on the way, but we can already announce that Michael Nir, President of Sapir Consulting US, is doing us the honour. Michael is a very experienced team and enterprise agile coach who is widely known for his passion, creativity and innovative power. In addition to being a recognized speaker around the world, he has written 12 books on, among other things, Customer Experience, Lean Agile project Management and Influence. Furthermore, lots of exciting seminars are planned in areas such as AI, sustainability, digitalisation and leadership. This year's theme: Leading change in a changing world. Time: 14-15 March 2022 Location: Swedish Fair in Gothenburg

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NIMP - Not in my project

One of the features of a project-based organization is that you can create focus on limited and defined tasks, and thus achieve concrete results in the short term. One of the downsides of a project-based organization, on the other hand, is that the focus sometimes displaces the long-term work of developing the business as a whole. In practice, the displacement often takes place in that the various project organizations are characterized by an attitude and action that I want to define as "NIMP - Not in my project" - where the project management is not willing to test new things in their own project, even though it might be the best in a holistic perspective.

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PMI Samhällsbyggnadsdagen 2022- new date

Health and safety are important for PMI when we arrange events. We now see that the spread of COVID19 is spreading again in society. Therefore, we have made the decision to move the Public Works Day and implement it in May 2022. A new date is Monday the 16th of May!

PMI Sweden Chapter wishes you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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Project Management Institute Sweden Chapter

Postadress: Box 7380 S-103 91 Stockholm |

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