PMI-SE Newsletter 2020-03-26

Aktuella aktiviteter



Webinar | Webinar

Mentorship Program Autumn 2024 Introduction



Företagsbesök | Jönköping

Elgigantens nya jättelager i Jönköping - Hur leds ett gigantiskt byggprojekt med en mängd olika interna och externa intressenter?



Seminarium | Västerås

Programledning med Lars-Erik Sjöstrand

Conversational Intelligence is the hardwired ability in all humans to connect, engage and navigate with others. This is essential for project leaders since you lead by conversations and relationships and since misunderstandings and frustrating dialogues cost a lot of time and money in every project. Welcome to learn how our brain works with or against us when we interact. City: Lund Place: Webinar Language: English When: 2020-04-07 (kl 18:00-20:00)

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Regarding Corona virus: covid-19

The PMI Sweden Chapter has the task of organizing various gatherings, such as seminars. Our policy is to follow the recommendations of the Swedish Public Health Authority regarding Corona virus: covid-19, as well as the guidelines communicated in the respective regions where we organize meetings. We follow any changes in the Authority's risk assessment.

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A Deeper Dive into Disciplined Agile

If you’re ready to start a Disciplined Agile discussion within your organisation, watch Mark Lines and Ben Breen - Managing Director of PMI Asia Pacific deliver a comprehensive overview.

Mark Lines and Ben Breen dive down to explain what makes Disciplined Agile such a valuable tool for teams and organizations, educational opportunities, certifications and more. Curious?

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Project On!

5 Actions to Maintain Project Momentum During COVID-19

Even in the most turbulent of times, projects are meant to deliver meaningful results for the business, its employees, and its customers must stay on track. Troy Edelen - CEO and Founder of Aspiri Consulting, Inc. in San Francisco outlines five actions to keep your project on track and deliver the benefits that your organization, people and customers need.

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Project Management Institute Sweden Chapter

Postadress: Box 7380 S-103 91 Stockholm |

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