Nyhetsbrev 2019-05-09

Aktuella aktiviteter



Seminarium | Västerås

Programledning med Lars-Erik Sjöstrand



Nätverksträff | Lund

An Afterwork with PMs



Seminarium | Lund

Fail Like a Pro!



Seminarium | Växjö

JAS 39 Gripen cockpitutveckling



Webinar |

EU Artificial Intelligence Act Overview for Project Managers



Seminarium | Lund

Task Force – arbetssätt i kriser, men inte hållbart i längden. Eller…



Nätverksträff | Helsingborg

Volontärträff AW Helsingborg

We are all Project managers one way or another!

We are all involved in one or more projects in our day to day, a lot of people to keep track of/engage, a great amount of work that keeps piling in your desk. When we look at study by PricewaterhouseCoopers, more than 60 percent of project failures are linked to internal issues such as insufficient resources or missed deadlines, discover how to plan the perfect project with this guideà

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Passion for volunteering

Vi söker volontärer till Passion for Projects och Samhällsbyggnadsdagen i Malmö. Vill du veta mer? Kom och träffa oss den 21 maj i Malmö. Anmäl dig via länken "läs mer" Välkommen! Katarina Strömberg

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Webinar - How to develop behavioral competences for project managers using NLP

Method and process are important in project management, but knowing how to use them is even more so. As a project manager you can increase your effectiveness most by developing your soft skills, recognising that finesse can be more effective than force. Once developed, you will find that these skills are transfarable across project types and whole industry sectors.

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Project Management Institute Sweden Chapter

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www.pmi-se.org | info@pmi-se.org

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