PMI-SE Newsletter 2020-12-17
Aktuella aktiviteter
Seminarium | Gothenburg
Nätverksträff | Helsingborg
Nätverksträff | Jönköping
Seminarium | Lund
Nätverksträff | Lund
Nätverksträff | Göteborg
Nätverksträff |
Seminarium | Göteborg och digitalt
Konferens | Göteborg
Nätverksträff | Helsingborg
Today’s organizations are operating at warp speed. Years’ worth of digital transformation must now be completed in a matter of months.
But in the pivot to today’s “new normal,” mission-critical projects—from deploying remote workforces to scaling cloud infrastructure—also demand customized solutions that address niche pain points and automate specific tasks. It’s a tall order that many business leaders feel pressured to handle under a deluge of competing responsibilities.
Fortunately, an emerging movement is helping business leaders overcome this obstacle: citizen development. Project managers who understand their teams’ specific needs are increasingly taking on the role of citizen developer, using drag-and-drop, low-code/no-code platforms to build custom apps and bespoke tech solutions.
Here's how citizen development can lead to powerful applications that fulfill teams’ particular needs—at the speed business leaders crave and without creating IT bottlenecks.
Energy-giant ATCO partnered with local government officials and infrastructure services provider QuantaServices to upgrade Alberta’s infrastructure with a new CA $1.6 billion high voltage transmission system. The project was completed in just two winters as opposed to three thanks to efficient project management. Along the way, ATCO partnered with indigenous communities to ensure the safety and preservation of land, and left them with an investment they could hand down to future generations.
Learn how to choose the right solution for your situation with our self-paced, online course, Basics of Disciplined Agile. Because true business agility comes from freedom of choice, not frameworks. Your path to mastering agile starts here.
PMI Sweden Chapter wishes you all a Merry Christmas and happy New Year!!
I PMI Sweden Chapter får projektledare möjlighet till
erfarenhetsutbyte, nätverksbyggande och vidareutbildning.
Project Management Institute Sweden Chapter
Postadress: Box 7380 S-103 91 Stockholm
www.pmi-se.org | info@pmi-se.org
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