Newsletter 2019-08-20

Aktuella aktiviteter



Webinar | Webinar

Mentorship Program Autumn 2024 Introduction



Företagsbesök | Jönköping

Elgigantens nya jättelager i Jönköping - Hur leds ett gigantiskt byggprojekt med en mängd olika interna och externa intressenter?



Seminarium | Västerås

Programledning med Lars-Erik Sjöstrand

Get Involved. Make a difference. Be a volunteer.

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Make your mark on PMI and the profession. As a member, you can volunteer to work on, and to lead activities that advance the profession and the Institute. Build a Professional Network, Gain Skills and Experiences, Develop as a Leader.

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Are You Agile Enough for Agile Management?

This up-tempo style of teamwork can boost productivity but might also risk career damage for people who are shy or lacking in confidence

If you hear your boss muttering about scrums, sprints and Kanbans, brace yourself. Your department might be next to try agile management, an up-tempo approach to teamwork that turns office rituals and roles upside down.

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Looking for a Job? Or looing for a project manager?

Check out our new LinkedIn Group: “Karriär inom projektledning”

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erfarenhetsutbyte, nätverksbyggande och vidareutbildning.

Project Management Institute Sweden Chapter

Postadress: Box 7380 S-103 91 Stockholm |

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