Newsletter 2018-09-13

Aktuella aktiviteter



Seminarium | Stockholm

Workshop Techniques with Gustav Asplund



Nätverksträff | Helsingborg

An Agile Mindset



Seminarium | Lund

Design Thinking workshop



Nätverksträff | Lund

AW with fellow PMs



Nätverksträff | Göteborg

Årsmöte 2025 PMI Sweden Chapter



Nätverksträff |

Årsmöte 2025 PMI Sweden Chapter (online)



Seminarium | Göteborg och digitalt

PMO nätverk: Gapet mellan en organisations strategi och verklighet, och PMO:s roll i organiseringen för att stänga det



Konferens | Göteborg

Passion for Projects Congress 2025

Trafikverket steers about 1400 projects

Trafikverket's investment ddvision has looked over their project handling the past two years. Now they work in the same system according to the same models and routines and have achieved great results. The project models are built on standards according to PMBOK® Guide. Together with CANEA Trafikverket has developed a training program and plans to achieve improved project maturity. Basically all project managers have been educated. ”CANEA contributed with rich knowledge regarding project management”, says Magnus Reinius, adminstrative manager for Trafikverket's investment processes.

The full article (in Swedish) can be found here:

You find more information about CANEAs trainings within project management here:

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English Newsletter - How to sign up

Help us to spread the word!

You have to sign up for the English Newsletter via the link. Please help us spread the word, there are many colleagues out who don't know this yet.

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Podcast: Future - Proofing Infrastructure

Smart tech investments in infrastructure take center stage in our discussions with project leaders. They discuss how they’re helping communities meet needs that last for the long haul.

Join infrastructure experts including Program Manager Frank Vieveen for The Long Haul—Future-Proofing Infrastructure, the new podcast from Projectified™ with PMI

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Benefits of Disruptive Technologies on Projects

Check out PMI’s Pulse of the Profession interesting research

Organizations all over the world are being impacted by disruptive technologies that are displacing established technologies. Those that want to understand and manage the impact of these technologies can look to proven project management practices to survive and thrive during these times of change. As they embrace project excellence, organizations will experience greater success with their strategic initiatives and higher project success rates—71% versus 60% in those that do not embed proven project management practices within their organization.

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Last chance to sign up for PMI SE's 20th anniversary

At Clarion Hotel, Södermalm, Stockholm 2018-09-28 (kl 17:00-20:00).

Be inspired and competent while listening and networking with other members and board of PMI SE. The last day of your application is Sunday 16/9 - Welcome!

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Project Management Institute Sweden Chapter

Postadress: Box 7380 S-103 91 Stockholm |

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