PMI SE Newsletter 23-02-23

Aktuella aktiviteter



Nätverksträff | Online

PMO nätverk: Datadrivet PMO - En strategi för framgång?



Webinar |

PMI Sweden Mentorship Connect: The Mentorship Matchmaker



Seminarium | Stockholm

Workshop Techniques with Gustav Asplund



Seminarium | Lund

Design Thinking workshop



Nätverksträff | Lund

AW with fellow PMs



Seminarium | Göteborg och digitalt

PMO nätverk: Gapet mellan en organisations strategi och verklighet, och PMO:s roll i organiseringen för att stänga det



Konferens | Göteborg

Passion for Projects Congress 2025

The Future of Meetings (and collaboration in a digital world)

13-14 March, Space Stockholm

Is a digital meeting really sustainable if it is not efficient? What is PMI's and our members' role, reason, challenges and possibilities to drive this development?

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Leading Successful Change Projects

Part 1

During the Webinar you can learn among others how to deliver real, measurable benefits to your organisation or what is the practical approach to greater value creation. Speakers: RASMUS RYTTER - an author, speaker and renowned expert within benefits realisationand organisational change. HELENA BOGRAD - an expert within benefits realisation and organizational change and the author of several articles and cases about the topic.

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Mini-LIM 2023

The target for this years Mini institute leadership meeting, for all volunteers in Sweden, is collaboration in teams, and foremost inspiration from an other volunteer organization way outside of the PMI realm!

During the evening, there is always some kind of activity. For example, it can be a workshop or an inspiring lecture with the aim of contributing to the volunteer's development in his/her role in our organization, but also in her/his regular professional role. Information is offered about what is going on in our Swedish organization, but also PMI globally. The evening is a good opportunity to get to know other volunteers in our Chapter, and to get inspiration for activities that can be carried out locally. The event and name comes from the Global Leadership Institute Meeting, PMI's global event for strategy and networking. Ort: Stockholm Plats: Scandic Grand Central, Kungsgatan 70 När: 2023-03-12 (kl 13:30-17:00) Typ: Konferens Kostnad: Gratis Aktivitetsansvarig: Johan Steimer

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Project Management Institute Sweden Chapter

Postadress: Box 7380 S-103 91 Stockholm |

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