Nyhetsbrev Volontärer SC April 2016

Aktuella aktiviteter



Seminarium | Stockholm

Workshop Techniques with Gustav Asplund



Nätverksträff | Helsingborg

An Agile Mindset



Seminarium | Lund

Design Thinking workshop



Nätverksträff | Lund

AW with fellow PMs



Nätverksträff | Göteborg

Årsmöte 2025 PMI Sweden Chapter



Nätverksträff |

Årsmöte 2025 PMI Sweden Chapter (online)



Seminarium | Göteborg och digitalt

PMO nätverk: Gapet mellan en organisations strategi och verklighet, och PMO:s roll i organiseringen för att stänga det



Konferens | Göteborg

Passion for Projects Congress 2025

April Newsletter East

It has been an eventful start of 2016 in East where in March we had the privilege to host Passion for Projects 2016 in Uppsala.
The final count is in and we were able to deliver an event with 500+ participants, 17 exhibitors, 37 speakers and this year we introduced a new concept from previous feedback to have network pauses added to the program. A big thank you and round of applause to all of the volunteers who made this event such a success. I hope that the 3 days of networking with PMI Sweden chapter volunteers on Sunday, as well as an inspiring conference has charged your batteries for the events to come in 2016.
We in east would like to hear from our volunteers about what we can do to bring value to you as well as to our members going forward. That is why we would like to invite all volunteers in the East to an event on the 19th of May in Uppsala. The purpose of this meeting is to have a chance to network with other volunteers locally. An event like PFP is an amazing opportunity to build relationships and we would like to work on keeping those going all year long in different forums.

Corporate outreach up and running

A year ago PMI Sweden decided to do something about that we are the strongest community working with individual project managers, but not working with organizations. Project management is always done in a context and we want to make a strong footprint so we needed to go for it.
A board position was created and a volunteer organization was started to build up. I am happy to say that we now have:
- Presence in each region trying to spread the value of project management to organizations (lead by Eva, Anders and Tuve).
- A group for the special organization track at PFP17 lead by Helen, trying to use our famous event to boost our organizational presence.
- A central office (Kostas and Jing) that has started with a survey to our members about their context. They got a lot of answers and the report will soon be presented.
We are more than 10 volunteers today but need to be even more. We also need company contacts and ideas what to do as we are still learning what of is relevant for the target group. If you have any of this, please contact any of us and we will canalize it to the right person.

Årets Volontär 2015

För sitt enorma jobb som delprojektledare för Program&Speakers på PfP 2016 utnämndes Jennifer Theodorsson till Årets Volontär 2015.
We all say Hip Hip Hurray !!!!!!


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I PMI Sweden Chapter får projektledare möjlighet till
erfarenhetsutbyte, nätverksbyggande och vidareutbildning.

Project Management Institute Sweden Chapter

Postadress: Box 7380 S-103 91 Stockholm
www.pmi-se.org | info@pmi-se.org

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