Newsletter 2020-06-18

Aktuella aktiviteter



Webinar | Webinar

Mentorship Program Autumn 2024 Introduction



Företagsbesök | Jönköping

Elgigantens nya jättelager i Jönköping - Hur leds ett gigantiskt byggprojekt med en mängd olika interna och externa intressenter?



Seminarium | Västerås

Programledning med Lars-Erik Sjöstrand

Success with agile is more about the teamwork than the framework. But how does your team work?

The Basics of Disciplined Agile™ online course explores the full gamut of agile approaches to help your team develop a flexible solution that brings better business results. Don’t miss our limited time offer of 15% off.

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Governance of interorganizational networks is seeking participants

Governance of interorganizational networks for joint projects is the next step in improving governance of projects and their management. To understand this subject better, the Project Management Institute (PMI) has funded a global research study and is looking for participants.

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HR’s Compelling New Role In Response To The Coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic has caused tremendous disruption in lives and in business, and human resources (HR) is key to supporting companies and catalyzing changes in the workplace. Organizations must rethink, reimagine and reconsider how they foster talent, deliver services and strengthen their organizations through a forward-thinking HR strategy—how they deliver the most compelling work experience.

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PMI Sweden Chapter wishes you all an amazing mid summer!


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Project Management Institute Sweden Chapter

Postadress: Box 7380 S-103 91 Stockholm |

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