PMI-SE Newsletter 2019-11-21

Aktuella aktiviteter



Webinar | Webinar

Mentorship Program Autumn 2024 Introduction



Företagsbesök | Jönköping

Elgigantens nya jättelager i Jönköping - Hur leds ett gigantiskt byggprojekt med en mängd olika interna och externa intressenter?



Seminarium | Västerås

Programledning med Lars-Erik Sjöstrand

PMI - Certifications gives you a global recognition

In contrast to other certifications that focus on specific regions or professions, the PMI certificates are global and gives you a global advantage.

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How to balance Agile Project Management challenges

Clashes with finance. Legacy HR processes. Agile fever. How do you beat all those conflicting interests? Agile project management offers many benefits to the IT organization, among which faster deployments, greater adaptability and better alignment with stakeholder expectations. The adoption of agile mindsets and frameworks, however, still proves challenging. So how can you balance that? Read more below and get inspired!

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The 3 keys for sustainable change

What should you do to ensure lasting change in your organization? George Trachilis, Shingo Research Award winner, explains this in as easy as 9 must-do activities within these 3 steps: 1. Develop yourself and others 2. Practice disciplined problem solving 3. Keep it simple, always

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Project Management Institute Sweden Chapter

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