Newsletter 2017-12-08

Aktuella aktiviteter



Nätverksträff | Online

PMO nätverk: Datadrivet PMO - En strategi för framgång?



Webinar |

PMI Sweden Mentorship Connect: The Mentorship Matchmaker



Seminarium | Stockholm

Workshop Techniques with Gustav Asplund



Seminarium | Lund

Design Thinking workshop



Nätverksträff | Lund

AW with fellow PMs



Seminarium | Göteborg och digitalt

PMO nätverk: Gapet mellan en organisations strategi och verklighet, och PMO:s roll i organiseringen för att stänga det



Konferens | Göteborg

Passion for Projects Congress 2025

Specification by Example with Gojko Adzic

On November 30th the PMI-SE Agile Network in Stockholm had a great evening with Gojko Adzic. Among other things Gojko explained how to move from Water-Scrum-fall to real Agile. Naturally the evening also covered Specification by Example and Executable Living Documents.

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Registration for Passion for Projects 2018

Welcome to Passion for Projects 2018. This is the registration site for the event, see below to submit your registration.

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Wagner Maxsen will speak again in Malmö in February 2018

PMI Sweden will in cooperation with Barnfonden, a Swedish non-profit organisation host a seminar about Project Management beyond Logframe. This event is for anyone interested in project and program management within a non-profit sector in Sweden and Denmark. This will be a great opportunity for non-profit organisations and PMI Sweden to meet together and learn from each other

Warner Maxsen is a senior project management advisor for UNOPS, an operational arm of the United Nations providing sustainable project management, infrastructure and procurement services that help implement $1 billion worth of aid in peace-building, humanitarian and development projects. He was also a key speaker in Passion for Projects Congress 2017. His key responsibilities include leading PPPM maturity assessments, program and project support and capacity building missions to 20 offices worldwide. Delivering results that truly make a difference in the lives of those in need is what drives him. With over 25 years of experience, Mr. Maxsen has been responsible for implementing project management offices, delivering projects and training to organizations around the world. At this event Mr. Maxsen will share knowledge and best practices for efficient project and program management in the non-profit sector. There will space for networking and open discussion about practices, challenges and tools used for managing development and humanitarian projects. The event is organized by New Areas Network volunteers.


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Project Management Institute Sweden Chapter

Postadress: Box 7380 S-103 91 Stockholm |

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