PMI SE Newsletter 23-06-15
Aktuella aktiviteter
Seminarium | Gothenburg
Nätverksträff | Helsingborg
Nätverksträff | Jönköping
Seminarium | Lund
Nätverksträff | Lund
Nätverksträff | Göteborg
Nätverksträff |
Seminarium | Göteborg och digitalt
Konferens | Göteborg
Nätverksträff | Helsingborg
A Real World Example
Leading academic research projects and teams requires extensive project management skills – in addition to research-specific knowledge. Yet project management side of academic research is often overlooked and not included in academic/research training. As a result, many academic research endeavors fail to reach their full potential in delivering outputs and societal benefits.
Ort: Stockholm
Plats: Döbelnsgatan 17, 111 40 Stockholm (Best Western Kom Hotel)
Språk: English
När: 2023-06-19 (kl 17:00-18:30)
Typ: Seminarium
Aktivitetsansvarig: Marina Maric
We aim to assess the project management community and PMI members' knowledge and experience with AI implementation, as well as their openness to using AI as a tool in project management. We will investigate types of AI solutions implemented, team preparation, challenges faced, and the inclination to change employment in case their current employer is lagging in adapting to new technology like AI? and if the adaptation to new technology advancement is a selection criteria when looking for new employment.
We also seek to determine how companies are preparing for AI implementation, including personnel training and recruitment of AI specialists, while considering the impact of demographic and geographic differences. We will use the strength of being part of a global member network and invite PMI volunteers to support us in this important work to understand the AI maturity with which individuals and organizations are adapting to this new technology that will most probably impact us all in our way of working.
All data will be treated with privacy and anonymity in compliance with LGDP (Brazil) and GDPR (European Union).
We thank you in advance for taking your time in participating in this important project for the project management community. If you have any questions, please contact us at ai@pmi-se.org
Survey will close the 30th of September 2023.
This survey takes maximum 5-10 minutes to complete.
Passion for Projects Congress 2024
11-12 March Helsingborg
Soon it will be time to start preparations for PfP24. This time it will be held in Helsingborg in the best imaginable venue: Clarion Sea U, which is located at the Helsingborg Central Station with a fantastic view of the Öresund. PMI-SE agrees with Clarion on venue and the next step is to start getting activities in place. Overall responsibility is Peter Egeland and main project manager is Barbara Klein. The project organization is being formed, venue exhibitor area and food have been secured. The work of getting speakers on site is of the utmost importance, it is the driving force of the entire conference.
There is a need for a group of committed volunteers in order for PfP24 to be the success PMI-SE strives for, do not hesitate to register your interest. There is a need for many different skills and there are great chances for you to contribute to your own development. Of course, it will be fun and wonderful new networks will be formed between volunteers during the autumn / spring.
The major work will take place after the summer and the work effort depends on which part of the project you participate in. Programs / speakers need to start early, marketing is also in the starting pits during the fall. Operations tend to have the biggest effort towards the end of the year with a large work effort just before and during the conference.
There are tasks that need to be done on site, but the vast majority can be done remotely without the requirement to be in the Helsingborg area.
We wish you relaxed and enjoyable summer time and we are back in August again!
I PMI Sweden Chapter får projektledare möjlighet till
erfarenhetsutbyte, nätverksbyggande och vidareutbildning.
Project Management Institute Sweden Chapter
Postadress: Box 7380 S-103 91 Stockholm
www.pmi-se.org | info@pmi-se.org
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