PMI-SE Newsletter 2020-05-21

Aktuella aktiviteter



Seminarium | Västerås

Programledning med Mikael Barkskog



Nätverksträff | Linköping

Workshop: Lightning Decision Jam



Nätverksträff | Online

PMO nätverk: Datadrivet PMO - En strategi för framgång?



Webinar |

PMI Sweden Mentorship Connect: The Mentorship Matchmaker



Seminarium | Stockholm

Workshop Techniques with Gustav Asplund



Nätverksträff | Lund

AW with fellow PMs



Seminarium | Göteborg och digitalt

PMO nätverk: Gapet mellan en organisations strategi och verklighet, och PMO:s roll i organiseringen för att stänga det



Konferens | Göteborg

Passion for Projects Congress 2025

Governance of inter-organizational networks is seeking participants

Governance of inter-organizational networks for joint projects is the next step in improving governance of projects and their management. To understand this subject better, the Project Management Institute (PMI) has funded a global research study.

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Earning Power: Project Management Salary Survey—Eleventh Edition

There’s never been a better time to be a project manager. Project management skills and expertise are in demand globally, and earning potential remains promising. Earning Power: Project Management Salary Survey, 11th Edition equips practitioners with the most comprehensive view of project managers’ earnings from 42 countries around the world.

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It’s your time to make a difference and the world needs you!

We’re calling on our global community of passionate project leaders to use their skills to aid communities impacted by COVID-19. There are so many ways to give back—like serving as an administrative non-clinical volunteer at a virus testing site; volunteering from home by making cards and writing letters to a local senior living community; donating to a food pantry; or even grocery shopping for a neighbor who may be higher-risk for severe illness.

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Remote work is here to stay and here are the skills you need to cope

Remote work is here to stay. With it come lots of benefits, but we’ll also need to adopt new ways of working to set our teams up for success. Otema Yirenkyi shares the in-demand power skills you’ll need to succeed. What remote work skills have you found to be most essential at your organization?

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