Nyhetsbrev 2019-05-23

Aktuella aktiviteter



Nätverksträff | Helsingborg

Volontärträff AW Helsingborg



Seminarium | Jönköping

Innovationsprojekt – att utforska och driva fram idéer för framtiden



Seminarium | Malmö

Distributed Leadership: collaborating beyond the management hierarchy



Konferens | Göteborg

Samhällsbyggnadsdagen 2024



Nätverksträff | Stockholm

PMO Nätverk - Så lyckas du med hybrid-agil utveckling



Nätverksträff | Lund

An Afterwork with PMs

Resursbrist eller bara dålig koll?

Kompetensförsörjningen i vissa branscher är en stor utmaning. Medarbetaren är stressad. Projektledaren klagar på dålig närvaro och bristande engagemang. Men är det verkligen ont om resurser, eller saknas transparens?

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Seminarium - Swedish Project Review 2019: Delivering Value Beyond Borders

The Swedish Project Review is Sweden's leading index on project related capabilities. It is a collaboration between KPMG Project Advisory and PMI Sweden Chapter, it provides industry-specific benchmarks, points out trends and areas for improvement. This year's report is based on a survey with 380 respondents from almost all sectors and industries. Do you want to learn more about what you and your organization can do to increase the probability of success in your projects and programs?

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SWOT is an acronym of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats and as these titles suggest it is not purely a method used for controlling areas of planning and risk, but it is also used to highlight areas of the project that could be maximised to the benefit of the whole project or individual areas where some competitive advantage may be gained. It is used to evaluate particular activities of the project in order to optimise their potential as well as to evaluate risks in order to determine the most appropriate way of mitigating those risks.

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Where’s QA in Agile Development?

QAs are part of the development team and engaged from the beginning of the project. They attend planning meetings, have access to the customer, and plan how to validate functionality while developers are creating it. Quality is baked in from the start, not attempted to be tested in later. Likewise, since features are developed in a sequence based on their priority; the most important elements get the most testing and exposure since they are present from the beginning.

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www.pmi-se.org | info@pmi-se.org

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