Welcome to Emerging Project Leaders Forum 2021!Sustainable future in the making. DAY 1: 23 February, 18:00 - 20:00 DAY 2: 24 February, 18:00 - 20:00 To attend please join via Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/96820438861?pwd=QTBVOC9QRE5DaTlmUG13cUlBMGYxZz09 Event code of conduct: - Please mute your microphone before you join. - To ask a question please raise a hand or write the question in the chat. - You can join any Mingle breakout room and move freely between Mingles. We look forward to Mingle with you! Enjoy! We will be happy to hear your feedback! Please email your feedback, questions or suggestions to javier.cartagena@pmi-se.org. You can also join the Event Linkedin Chat, before, during or after the event.