Survey - Future trends within Artificial Intelligence and Project Management

Survey - Future trends within AI and Project Management
Dear member of the PMI and Project Management Community,
As an integral part of this years Passion for Projects Congress a survey on trends within AI (Artificial Intelligence)  and Project Management will be realeased. Read more here about and book tickets for Passion for Projects Congress May 23-24 at Svenska Mässan in Gothenburg. 
The goal with this survey is to investigate if there is any interest in AI within the PMI network community and to what degree companies are using or planning to use AI as a technology now and within the next 3 years. This is to enable PMI and Partners in Sweden to provide relevant articles, reports about AI and invite members to interesting seminars, from a strategic, business and technical perspective.
In AI projects we include the following technology solutions: Machine Learning, NLP Natural Language Processing, Robotics and Computer Vision.
The results will be analysed and presented in a report and sent to those who answer the questions. PMI Sweden will also present the results and let respondents ask questions on an Online PMI meeting the 28th June, 5 pm CET and 20th September 5pm CET. Prerequisite is that you provide your email address.
In addition to receiving a report on the result, participating in the survey will give an opportunity for 3 PMI members to win a one hour advisory with our expert panel.
Thank you very much in advance for taking your time to fill in the survey and for letting us know if this is interesting to you and if yes, how we can add value to you as a member.
Take the survey:
If you have any questions please send email to:
Best regards,

PMI Sweden Chapter & Passion for Projects



Passion for Projects Congress Marketing Partner - Artificial Intelligence and Project Management




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Project Management Institute Sweden Chapter

Postadress: Box 7380 S-103 91 Stockholm |

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