Exciting Release: "Navigating AI in Project Management - A PMI Chapters Collaboration" Case Study Report


Exciting Release: "Navigating AI in Project Management - A PMI Chapters Collaboration" Case Study Report


Dear Respondents,

We hope this email finds you well. We are thrilled to announce the release of our latest report, "Navigating AI in Project Management - A PMI Chapters Collaboration". This collaborative effort aims to inspire the PMI community and project management professionals worldwide to embrace the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into project management practices, enhancing both the quality and efficiency of their efforts in today’s competitive environment.

Similar to our previous insightful report, "Artificial Intelligence and Project Management, A Global Chapter Led Survey 2024," we've once again engaged with a diverse group of project managers and PMO officers. Through your insights and experiences, this report sheds light on the practical use of AI tools in project management, highlighting both the opportunities and challenges this technological advancement presents.

As AI continues to evolve and shape the future of various sectors, our report delves into how project management professionals are navigating this landscape. We explore the significant benefits and address concerns such as security, legal, and ethical issues, providing a comprehensive view of AI’s role in project management today.

Thank you for your support and continuous interest in advancing the project management field through innovation and collaboration. Together, we have reached significant milestones, and it's through your support that we continue to make strides in shaping the future of project management.

Let us celebrate the collective effort and achievements of our global PMI community as we look forward to inspiring and equipping project managers to become the leaders of tomorrow.


Warm regards,

The AI in PM Team

Marly Nilsson, PMI Sweden

Lavanya Vijayaraghavan, PMI Bangalore India & PMI Lebanon

Madina Baizhanova, PMI Kazakhstan

Olalla Garcia Perez, PMI Galicia Spain

William Balch, PMI Dallas

Temisan Sagay, PMI Ottawa Valley

Daniel Karlsson, PMI Sweden

Oscar Tyrberg, PMI Sweden

Tim Adenmark, PMI Sweden

Kellie Brits, PMI Netherlands


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