AI Pioneers: Project Managers, Share Your Success Stories

AI Pioneers: 

Project Managers, Share Your Success Stories!


Hello members of PMI and the wider Project Management Community! 

Are you a Project Manager who has successfully led AI projects? Your insights are invaluable, and we want to hear from you!

This PMI Chapter-led project is excited to announce the AI Project Management Experience Showcase! We are on a mission to gather firsthand experiences from project managers like you, who have successfully navigated the challenges and reaped the benefits of AI implementations. We seek to compile key insights, successes, challenges, and lessons learned, with a particular emphasis on understanding how AI projects may differ from non-AI initiatives. 

Submission Period: January 15th - March 1st


Why Share Your AI Project Management Expertise?

  • Recognition: Selected studies will be featured in our AI Project Management Experience Showcase, gaining visibility and recognition among your peers and industry professionals.

  • Podcast Feature: Selected contributors may have the opportunity to share their stories in our podcasts, providing insights to a broader audience.

  • Live Webinar Participation and conference presentations: Selected contributors may have the opportunity to engage with the project management community in live webinars and/or conferences, where you can delve into your AI project management journey and engage in stimulating discussions with fellow professionals.

  • Blog Citations: Your experiences might be acknowledged and cited in our blogs, contributing to the collective knowledge base of our community.



  • Selection Criteria: We will choose comprehensive and insightful case studies characterized by their depth and significant lessons. We look for submissions that are thorough, showcase measurable impacts, are trendsetting in nature, adhere to high ethical standards, and exhibit innovation and creativity. This approach guarantees a collection of case studies that are valuable not only in their content but also exemplary in their execution and relevance.

  • Feedback Policy: Please understand that individual feedback on submissions will not be provided. We greatly value your contribution and seek your understanding in this matter.

  • Potential Follow-up: we may contact you for further information and your willingness to provide additional details will be appreciated.

  • Finality of Decision: Our selection process will be meticulous, ensuring careful consideration in each decision; once made, it will be final.


How to Contribute:

  • Share your AI project management experiences by completing the template in Word and send it to

  • Make sure to submit your entry between January 15th and March 1st 2024!

Let's create a comprehensive resource of real-world AI project management experiences! Your insights will not only guide members of the project management community in their AI journeys, but also inspire them to innovative and creative approaches to harness the potential of AI!


AI Project Management Experience Showcase Team

Marly Nilsson, Team Lead, PMI Sweden

Lavanya Vijayaraghavan, PMI Lebanon & PMI Bangalore

Madina Baizhanova, PMI Kazakhstan

Aneliya Chervanova, PMI Bulgaria

Davide La Valle, PMI Northern Italy

Olalla García Pérez, PMI Galicia Spain

Temisan Sagay, PMI Ottawa Canada

Adi Muslic, PMI Switzerland

Enrico Toselli, PMI Denmark

Yuliya Zhevno, PMI Kazakhstan


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Project Management Institute Sweden Chapter

Postadress: Box 7380 S-103 91 Stockholm |

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